Sign Up To Be A Member!

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Join today by completing the online membership form.

Next, sign up to become a WEAPAC member by completing the WEAPAC membership form.

WEA membership is available only to public school employees: teachers, paraeducators, support professionals, substitutes, coaches, higher education faculty, etc. As a WEA member, you have access to a myriad of benefits available through WEA and NEA, including professional development, liability insurance, and more. In order to become a member you must complete and sign a membership form. If you are an educator in the Edmonds, Northshore, or Shoreline School Districts, we'd love to help you do that! Simply complete this online membership form. If you have any questions or would prefer to fill out the paper form, just call the WEA-Cascade UniServ office at 425-486-7101 and ask for Chenoa or click here to send her an email. For more information on WEAPAC visit our What is WEAPAC page.

Other Types Of Membership:

  • Substitute Membership
    If you're a certificated teacher or specialist employed full or part-time as a substitute educator you're eligible for active membership in WEA and NEA, but dues collection is a little different. Instead of a monthly deduction the school districts within the Cascade UniServ Council do a “daily rate” deduction. You will need to complete a membership form for each district where you substitute.
  • Student Membership
    Student Membership is available to those who are enrolled in a post-secondary program that is preparatory for employment in a position that will make you eligible for Active (teacher) membership in the NEA. Like WEA members, SWEA members have access to professional development, unique member benefits, liability insurance, and a community of peers across the state who share a passion for public education, for our students, and for our communities. Click here for more information and link to enroll in SWEA.
  • WEA-Retired Membership
    As a member of WEA/NEA-Retired you remain a part of the nation's largest advocacy voice for public education. Join or renew here.

How are WEA & NEA Dues Dollars Spent?

Click HERE for more information on how dues dollars are spent.